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Anger is explained to participants utilizing the biopsychosocial model, which is a framework for understanding human behavior.  This model incorporates the biological, psychological, and social aspects of anger.  The biological explains what happens with the chemicals in the brain when a person gets angry.  The psychological explains how one’s development of coping skills early in childhood affects how they handle anger and how they view life in general.  The social aspects helps participants see and understand how daily stresses such as work, children, relationships, finances, etc. can contribute to anger problems.  With combining these three areas, we are better able to help participants understand and manage your anger.


Confidence is to trust yourself and your own abilities. It is your attitude which allows you to have a positive and realistic perception of yourselves and your abilities. Learn how to build self-confidence that will really last.


Assertiveness skills make it possible to act on one’s own needs and feelings in such a way that other people understand what you want, think, or feel. These skills are learnable; however, judgment must be used in deciding when to apply them.  Assertiveness is not just for the sake of spouting off. It has some goals, and goals are important to remember:   The purpose of assertiveness is to teaching people how to treat us differently. It’s about expressing yourself in an appropriate manner.  It’s about saying no without feeling bad, angry or guilty. It is about letting people know how you want to be treated. People sometimes will not know how to treat you unless you let them know. It is especially for those of us who have allowed others to step on our toes, exploit us—not necessarily because they want to—but because they have asked us to do something and we always say yes.


Marriage is a wonderful experience. There is no union more intimate than this. Next to the union we have with Christ marriage can be the happiest relationship one can find. All too often people marry for the wrong reasons which establish a weak foundation. This, coupled with unrealistic expectations set the marriage up for failure. Other times the struggles of dealing with differences, infidelity and loss of security can be overwhelming. Marriage involves a continuous daily renewal of your decision to be together. It means taking the time to redefine roles, beliefs and behaviors. It is negotiating the differences, likes, dislikes, money, time, power, children, family tradition, friends, careers, and use of space. This book will help you examine yourself and work on improving your marriage or relationship.


Anxiety can come from any thought that makes you feel angry, frustrated or nervous.  Anxiety is an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, with fear, unease or worry.  Sometimes the source is not known.  If you find yourself experiencing nervousness, stress, or feeling overwhelmed much of the time you will benefit from this CD.  Learn more about anxiety and how it can affect your body


If your busy lifestyle has you anxious, overwhelmed and stressed, this CD will help bring balance in your life and reduce stress level.  Learn how to reduce stress and bring calmness in your life. It provides you with technique and imagery to bring your body into a relaxed state and how to effectively deal with it.


Do you feel sad, lonely and alone most of the time? Some people are afraid to get help for depression, or reluctant to talk about how they are feeling for fear of being labeled.  Others believe that depression will simply go away on its own, and that they should just “tough it out”.  If you find yourself feeling sad most of the time, constantly comparing yourself to others, sleeping too much or too little or middle of the night or early-morning waking, loss of appetite or increase in appetite, loss of interest in usual activities, irritability, persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions, loss of energy or feeling guilty, hopeless or worthless, this CD is for you.


God is ever present and is constantly speaking to us. We do not recognize his voice because we are

often dealing with the voices in our head. We are so busy talking to Him in the form of prayer and asking for things, that we forget to listen for the answer. How often do we listen to see if God is answering our prayers or do we talk and talk not really expecting an answer?  This book will help you grow in your spiritual walk as you feel the presence of God.  Many times we miss the answer because we are expecting God to answer in a certain way or mean. I believe that God speaks to us in many different ways and means. Yes, God speaks to us in many ways and we know that he speaks to us through his Word. For we know that God’s Word gives life! He spoke to Moses through a burning bush; he spoke to the prophets through visions and to others through angels. He even opened the mouth of a donkey to speak with the prophet Balaam. It could be an answer through a total stranger in the grocery store line or through a child. However he chooses to answer, we do have access to his Word whenever and where ever we want it. I believe that God is constantly speaking to us but our heads, minds and hearts are filled with so many distractions that it is almost impossible to hear or even acknowledge him in the busyness of life. God wants us to know that he hears and answers our prayers. He loves us and he is speaking the words we long to hear and need to hear. He is touching those who seek him with a quiet power of strength and love. He even knows the prayers of the heart; prayers that we pray without uttering a word. All we need to do is, wait and listen for the answer. God wants to show us a place of freedom, a place of his peace. He wants us to trust him with our lives and trust that he values us, cherish us and wants us to walk in truth. God wants us to feel his presence and experience his power. As we read his Word, we are in his presence and can feel his power. I am writing this as a reminder that he does care and he is with us always. Throughout the years I have written down the things God has spoken to me in our conversations. Do you think God wants us to simply be a “church goer”? Do you think he wants us to busy ourselves with church work? Or does he want to have a personal relationship with us, the kind of relationship that requires time and conversation. He does not require us to give a lot of time just quality time; time where he will have our undivided attention. I found that as I quietly sit and listen to him, God comforts, encourages, directs and guides me. This book is a compilation of scriptures and simply being at the feet of God allowing him to speak to the heart. It is a matter of losing self to the Spirit. It is my hope and prayer that this little book might inspire, encourage and lift up someone who might feel as though God has forgotten. It is my desire to make God’s Word more effective in your everyday lives. I pray that others will read this book and feel God’s presence and know that he is there for them as he has been for me. To get the most from this book, read it slowly and intently. Search for those special words that speak to your heart and spirit as well as your needs. These words will help you grow in your spiritual walk as you feel the presence of God our Father. I pray that God will bless every life it touches and the words will leave these pages and find a home in your heart. 


Marriage to most people is a one- time deal. What do I mean about one time deal? Well, we think once we marry we do not have to do nay thing else but be married. That is we do not have to modify or change anything about ourselves. Learn the ingredients of a successful marriage.
We are programmed to think we should follow our hearts or love in marriage, but it is far more than that for marriage to work.


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